Sunday, February 1, 2009

the first; the official ...

fEBRUARY 1St 2009; Its the first day of the second month of 2009. Today marks Superbowl Sunday, my ONE month with my baby & Black History Month.

I have to say that 2009 is doing right by me! Lifes good and i'm taking it all in day by day. I'm over the drama & bullshit that people are still bringing, and yeah i know 'everyone says that' but i honestly think i'm one of the few who are ACTUALLY moving on from it. I see it all over myspace everyday; people talking about im done with the drama, the hurt, fck the haters, im doin me ... but then you go back and look and those same people are the ones hating; hating on those who are in relationships or those who have they're lives together and are happy. Its time to learn; that everyone is grown or growing, they'll make mistakes and instead of you callin them out on it, let them learn for themselves.

they say; "Everything Happens For A Reason"
& yes thats right, but at the same time ...
"Life is What You Make It"

... Thats a little something i like to go by. On the other hand, as much as i love San Diego i'm sooooooooo ready to leave. I need a new enviornment and a new experience. Yeah imma get home sick, but im not shitting on SD im just saying, its time for something new(: AUGUST 2009; im going from the 619 to the 702 & im excited =]

i just wanna say HAPPY ONE MONTH<3 yeah even though it feels like we're reaching our 6 years! [technically we are] ups&downs, smiles&frowns we managed to try and make it work again, and this time it feels real. For anyone who doesnt know; we were broken up for the entire year of 2008 because Ranee had some issues he needed to work, yeah it took the whole year but it worked out for the better. He knows what he has to do now, because there wont be a next time & he knows im not playing; not even a little bit! ;] .... but we're REALLY good, dont trip haha. One month down, and if all goes good, we got plenty more ahead of us(: ----- i have 37 DAYS LEFT =[ and then he leaves me for boot camp [Air Force] where the only way i can talk to him is via mail (written btw) so im making the best of it ... I Love You Ranee Woods; Dont Forget It & Dont Slip Up ;] <3333

im happy & its only getting better(:
xoxo <3 sybil

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