Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Something New.


yes; this is what i want ... my next goal & hopefully new toy by the beginning of 2011 :) i already know my dads okay with it, my mom though? ehhh not so much, but its what i want so yeah thats enough for me. -- I want it white & purple or black and purple, doesnt come in purple so we'll have to change that! I have so much going on right now that its stressful & irritating. I've made some poor choices, but no more of that. Its grind time & EVERYTHING i do from now on will be for ME! im tired of doing shit and it not be appreacitated. It sucks to be taken for granrted. I have a lot of changes coming my way & i'm going into these changes with full force... its not 2011 yet but there will be a NEW sybil coming your way, just watch :)

10 day challenge; DAY 1
yeah i know im all late, but ive been busy & stressed so now let it begin

1] I hate that we havent talked in so long and your not far from me, we need to re-connect & get back the way we used to, i love you & miss you, we've been strong for & now it feels like we're getting weak.
2] i forgive you for all that you've done & i appreciate the last things you've told me, im free & i have you to thank for that
3] you are thee number 1 person in my life, i love you more than anyone & anything, we'll be together forever; changing, growing & living!
4] i just met you, not even formally & we talked for only a total time of 20 minutes; but id like to thank you for everything you said; its stuff i tell myself but i needed to hear it from someone else to realize what needed to be done... remember im 21! haha
5] i miss you, you cross my mind from time to time even when we go without speaking. the times we had were some of the best times i've had ever and i love how we always go back and talk about that time. Whether you know this or not, i love you.
6] how this happened with us, i dont know but i like it. we've grown really close & i know i can talk to you & tell you anything. im not gonna lie, down the road its going to change & i hope you can forgive me for it, but know i'll always be there just like you've been there for me
7] i still think about you & i dont know why. It was only 1 month, but i guess because in 1 month you showed me things in a whole different way. I loved that change for the short while and sometimes i wish i had it back, but its okay because i'll still have what i know with me later on. take care of yourself.
8] i know im far, but i hate how this distance is keeping us distant. it bothers me, but at the same time i know that when i see you again, its going to be like i was never gone. love you!
9] we spend a lot of time together, we both want big changes but were not making moves to do so, so we need to get on that, i got your back & i'll help you through it.
10] i misssssssssssssssssssssss you, come back to me now!


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